NASA photo of the day
NASA photo of the day | NASA APIs
Unfortunately no details today, but...

Who murdered Officer Doofy in Scary Movie?

A Little About Me

I have always enjoyed creating systems with a purpose. From tinkering as a child through my various technical trades: carpentry, electrical, HVAC, refrigeration, SONAR, to now Software Engineering, I continue building.

I am deeply interested in emerging technologies such as blockchain and AI, and I see great potential in these technologies. I am eager to learn more about their capabilities and applications, as I believe they will play a crucial role in shaping the future. ☕I'm also always open for a coffee chat; find me on LinkedIn.

Recent Work

Image of Browning Lawn and Home website

Browning Lawn & Home

A small business website designed with simplicity, local SEO, and a local target audience in mind

 Image of lumber calculator web app

Lumber Volume Calculator

A custom-designed web app for simultaneous and instant invoice calculation by volume and itemization

 Image of Book Searching App

Book Search - XML -> JSON

A Book searching application built using VUE.js and Vite.js. The Data from the Good Books API is proxied in Node.js and parsed to JSON for use within the web application.

My Tech Skills

  • FrontEnd
    React.js, Vue.js, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, Tailwind, Bootstrap
  • BackEnd
    Node.js, Express, MongoDb, Vite, Python, SQL
  • Related
    Cyber Security, Networking, Agile Project Management, Object Oriented Programming(OOP), Redux.js, Database Design, MVC, Jest

My Services

  1. Consultation
  2. Proposal
  3. Creation
  4. Launch
  5. Support
Lady Luck favors the one who tries
-Barbara Oakley
Contact Me

Get In Touch

Whether you're interested in a custom-designed website, need to hire a developer, or have a simple question, feel free to contact me through the following email or the contact form below. I look forward to hearing from you!